This year’s letter was intended to remind members and partners how AAF-Akron supports them throughout the year even when in-person events are not possible.

At our founding 75 years ago our goal was
to “encourage excellence in advertising and offer
technical guidance to our members” — a goal that
is admittedly absent of sentiment and now only
reflects half the story.

Yes, we encourage members to produce
excellent design work with awards. And yes,
we host speaking engagements where members
can learn about advertising. These are things that
happen, not the things we do.

What we do is support one another. We celebrate
the highs and lift each other out of the lows.
We are an organization comprised of creative minds
and open hearts. We listen. We help.

So when the world goes all topsy turvy we do what
we always do: we support each other.

If you need assistance don’t hesitate to reach out.
We work hard to unite professionals throughout
Greater Akron and there is no better time to use that
network than now.

Your friends at AAF-Akron,